Garden Design

Our Walsall house and gardens, including our small front garden, have a total area of ¼ acre (1010 m²). Our rear garden includes the three main areas of our garden (i.e. upper, middle and lower garden areas) and in total measures just 935 m² (55 m x 17m). This rear garden is south-facing with a gentle downward slope towards the neighbouring Walsall arboretum area. Two other sides of our rear garden also have large trees in the neighbouring landscape.

We wanted to create a garden to be exciting in all four seasons. We also wanted the garden to be used by the family and to be enjoyed by people of all ages. We believe we have created something very special. It gives us pleasure to walk in our garden on every day of the year and to share the delights with others.

In the first ten years we broke up clay, re-laid and extended paths and won the battle with weeds. Since 1992 we have totally re-landscaped and replanted. 15 tons of York stone, 11 tons of garden soil, 15 tons of concreting sand and 70 cubic metres of forest bark - everything was brought down the garage steps! Large rocks have been added, straight lines made into curves. We built a chalet store, summer house, large wooden oriental pagoda, a smaller wooden pagoda with water feature and laid more than 100yds (91m) of paths. Five water features made by us include a 55ft (17m) long rocky stream. The future is exciting because we know change will continue. We created a jungle suddenly and unexpectedly. No doubt we will surprise ourselves with what we think of next!